Brown Tripoli White Diamond Tripoli
Cut & Color Compounds
White Rouge
Our White rouge is the best general purpose compound made. This will put a mirror finish on just about any material. Use it on metals (ferrous and non-ferrous), plastics, horn, wood, composite stone, even chrome. Polish your completed knife with this compound to make it shine without discoloration. CAT.# DESCRIPTION SIZE PRICE LA555 White 3 lbs. 12.95 LM 4 White 4 oz. 2.95
Grease based cutting compounds used on brass, copper, aluminum, plastic as well as stone. Follow with a blending bar and rouge for final shine. White diamond is slightly less abrasive than brown tripoli. It will leave some degree of a finish. APPROX. CAT.# DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PRICE LA366 Brown Tripoli 3 lb. 7.95 LM2 Brown Tripoli 4 oz. 3.45 LA377 White Diamond 1 3/4 lb. 11.50
Made especially for use with the Sisal Wheels. Use to whisk away the polishing marks left by fine sanding belts or greaseless compounds. They break down as used to produce a smooth, scratch free surface on most metals. Approximately 3 lb. tubes. CAT.# DESCRIPTION PRICE LA312 Medium (3 lb. tube) 12.95 EP761 Medium Cut (1 lb. tube 3.95 LA348 Fine (3 lb. tube) 14.95
White Rouge
Blending Bar
White rouge is the best general purpose compound for a mirror finish on all your knife components. CAT.# DESCRIPTION SIZE PRICE EP100 White 3 lbs. 9.95
Use for blending fine lines or surface scratches in most metals. Sewed muslin or soft felt wheels are the best match for this medium dry grease based compound. CAT.# DESCRIPTION PRICE LA354 Blending Bar 2 lb. bar 12.95
This well known popular compound is used on all metals ferrous and non ferrous gleam to a brilliant shine. Composite stone will sparkle. Will not scratch even the softest materials. Leaves a protective coat to help prevent tarnishing. CAT.# DESCRIPTION PRICE LA602 ZAM Polish 1 lb. 10.50
Pink Scratchless
This compound is perfect for the final finish on just about everything. It absolutely will not scratch, leaves an incredible hi-polish finish on your nickel silver, brass, steel, wood, bone, virtually any handle material or knife part will polish and shine to the most brilliant finish the product will allow. Supplied in a peel-away tube to keep free from contaminates. CAT.# DESCRIPTION PRICE LA810 3 lb. tube Pink Scratchless 12.95
An aggressive grease based compound for use on most metals. Follow with blending bar and rouge. CAT.# DESCRIPTION SIZE PRICE LA180 Emery 3 lb. 9.95 LM1 Emery 4 oz. 2.95
Produces a high luster finish on all types of precious and decorative metals, as well as composite stone, horn, Dymondwood, stabilized wood and more. Special formulation removes light surface scratches and produces a fast, mirror bright finish with no discoloration to the material. Contains no grease, therefore easily cleans up with little or no residue.
Green Rouge
Black Magic
DESCRIPTION 1 lb. Fabulustre
Perfect for final polishing on stainless and other iron based metals. Our green rouge is easy to apply, a dry compound used on muslin wheels to produce a bright mirror finish. CAT.# DESCRIPTION SIZE PRICE LA544 Green 2-3 lbs. 12.95 Knifemakers Green Rouge
Just as its name implies, this “magic” compound will adhere to both muslin and sisal wheels very easily whisking away light scratch marks left by other compounds on virtually any metal surface. CAT.# DESCRIPTION PRICE LA855 3 lb. tube Black Magic 12.95
Jewelers Rouges
Green Chrome #50
Red rouges are formulated for precious metals, gold, silver, platinum, etc. Very fine, removal, yet will still clean and shine to a fine bright finish. Red jewelers rouge is very greasy and may discolor wood or other porous products. The Red velvet rouge is very dry to produce a final luster on non ferrous metals. The black rouge produces a rich dark color on precious metals and wood. It is great for final finish on Dymondwood handles. CAT.# DESCRIPTION SIZE PRICE LM3 Red Jewelers 4 oz. 2.95 LA566 Red Velvet 1 lb. 7.95 LA522 Black Jewelers 4 oz. 3.95
This green compound will remove very light surface scratching from most metals. Used primarily on steel, it will brush away those irritating scratches you may see, but cannot feel. Follow with the pink scratchless for a truly fine polished finish for your blades, guards and other metal parts. Supplied in 3 lb., contamination free peel-away tube. CAT.# DESCRIPTION PRICE LA820 3 lb. Knifemakers Green Rouge 12.95
This compound, supplied in a 3 lb. peel-away tube is 50% pure chrome and 50% green alumina. A very dry compound perfect for achieving a fine polish on brass, mild and stainless steel. Perfect for use after finishing with fine belts and surface scratch remover. CAT.# DESCRIPTION PRICE LA840 3 lb. tube #50 Green Chrome 19.95
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